Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FOSS Environment Unit

Heres the pdf of our Adapted FOSS Environment Unit.


FOSS Environment Unit Website Resources

Ask Doctor Global Change (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.gcrio.org/ask-doctor.html
Description: A reference service provided by Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO) that assists in finding information and data relevant to global environmental change. Provides students with a searchable collection of answers to questions about issues related to climate change and students can submit questions of their own and explore related links

Bell Live! Online Eco-games (student resource)
URL: http://www.bellmuseum.org/ecogames.html
Description: From the University of Minnesota and the Bell Museum, online activities include Build-A-Prairie and The Watershed Game.

BioKids: Inquiry of Diverse Species (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.biokids.umich.edu/
Description: This site includes information for both students and teachers concerning diverse species, especially in southeast Michigan. Check out the Critter Catalog for photos and information about a variety of organisms studied in FOSS modules and courses, including crayfish and cockroaches.

Biology of Plants (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/bioplants/main.html
Description: Play games, watch video clips, view animated diagrams, and sing songs to learn about plant parts, photosynthesis, pollination, seed dispersal, and plant adaptations. From the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Biosphere 2 (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.b2science.org/
Description: Take a virtual trip to Biosphere 2, a 204,000 cubic meter (7,200,000 cubic foot) sealed glass and spaceframe structure. It includes elements from the original Biosphere 1. Inside the structure you'll find seven wilderness ecosystems, including a rainforest and a 3,400,000 liter (900,000 gallon) ocean, as well as a human habitat which now houses interactive exhibits.

Brine Shrimp And Ecology Of Great Salt Lake (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://ut.water.usgs.gov/shrimp/index.html
Description: More information about the life cycle of brine shrimp and the commercial brine shrimp industry.

ENature (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.enature.com/
Description: This site features complete field guides to animals and plants. The regional search feature allows you to find species in your region.

Environmental Defense Fund/Scorecard (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.scorecard.org/
Description: Find out how your community rates on the pollution scorecard. All you need to know is your zip code and you will get a report of the major polluters that affect your area.

Environmental Explorers' Club (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.epa.gov/kids/
Description: This site is presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It includes several "rooms" in which you can explore the air, your environment, reycling, science, art, and plants and animals. Each area includes activities and resources to explore.

EPA Student Center (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.epa.gov/students/
Description: Designed for older students, this site includes activities and resources dealing with the following topics: air, water, human health, waste and recycling, conservation, and more.

Frogland (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://allaboutfrogs.org/froglnd.shtml
Description: This site is everything you always wanted to know about frogs.

How Electromagnets Work (teacher resource)
URL: http://science.howstuffworks.com/electromagnet.htm
Description: The basic idea behind an electromagnet is extremely simple: By running electric current through a wire, you can create a magnetic field. Explore the devices that use electromagnets and try some electromagnetic projects for yourself.

I Was Wondering: Women's Adventures in Science (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://iwaswondering.org
Description: This project of the National Academy of Sciences showcases the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and highlights the varied and intriguing careers of some of today's most prominent scientists.

Kid's Corner (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://biology.usgs.gov/features/kidscorner/kidscrnr.html
Description: Explore the USGS Biological Resources Division for kids.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.wildflower.org/
Description: Formerly the National Wildflower Research Center, a nonprofit educational organization with links to native plant societies and environmental organizations.

The Nature Conservancy (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://nature.org
Description: This site is the home page for The Nature Conservancy, an environmental organization whose primary concern is preserving natural habitats for endangered species.

NOAA's Ark (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/animals/index.html
Description: This collection of images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) includes many wonderful pictures of both land- and ocean-dwelling creatures, including bears, whales, birds, and walruses.

NOAA's Photo Library (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.photolib.noaa.gov
Description: This collection of images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) includes many wonderful pictures of both land- and ocean-dwelling creatures, including bears, whales, birds, and walruses.

Plants and Youth: Design and Build a Terrarium (teacher resource)
URL: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG356
Description: With this illustrated online guide from the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, students can have a great time designing and building simple terrariums using quart jars or goldfish bowls. (Note: A warm terrarium is perfect for sprouting as many grapefruit seeds as you have room for.)

Private Universe Project in Science (teacher resource)
URL: http://www.learner.org/resources/series29.html#
Description: This innovative workshop for teachers explores the reasons why teaching science is so difficult and offers practical advice to help you teach more effectively. Each program focuses on one theme and one content area and uses specific examples to show how students' preconceived ideas can create critical barriers to learning. Education experts also review classroom strategies and results and recommend new ways to involve students and approach difficult topics. Nine different videos cover a variety of topics including astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental education.

Scientific American/Ask The Experts (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_directory.cfm
Description: This site, maintained by Scientific American magazine, provides visitors with the opportunity to ask questions concerning specific phenomenon in science, mathematics, and technology.
Scientific American then passes these queries on to experts in both academia and industry.

Seeding The Garden (teacher resource)
URL: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/VH026
Description: This University of Florida site describe how to use seeds to start a garden.

USDA Plants National Database (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://plants.usda.gov
Description: This USDA site includes information on any plant living in North America. Some entries have extensive information and pictures. Primary students may need adult assistance with this site.

USGS Biological Resources Division
(student and teacher resource)
URL: http://biology.usgs.gov/
Description: This site includes a photo gallery, education links, special interest stories, plus other information concerning the Biological Resources Division.

Vegetable Pollination And Fertilization (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/1996/3-22-1996/pollen.html
Description: How many common vegetables accomplish pollination and fertilization.

What’s It Like Where You Live? (student resource)
URL: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/
Description: Find out about the biomes and ecosystems in our world.

Wonderwise: Women in Science Learning Series (student and teacher resource)
URL: http://wonderwise.unl.edu/
Description: Introduces you to women who have made science their career. You can take several field trips, including space geology, African plant exploration, and urban ecology.