Sunday, January 24, 2010

Earth Science Websites

American Museum of Natural History presents Ology - Earth
Grade Level: 4th-6th
This site is a great kid friendly way for kids to learn about Earth science. It includes experiments, interviews with real scientists, games, book lists, and much more.

• I love that this site is fine for kids to roam and explore. No ads or off shoots onto other non-kid friendly sites.
• There are other Ology sites attached to this one. All are kid friendly, but they don't stay in the realm of Earth Science. The other Ology sites include anthropology, archeology, astronomy, biodiversity, Einstein, genetics, marine biology, paleontology, water and zoology.

SIO's Volcano Expedition
Grade Level: 4th-6th
Follow scientists on an exciting volcano research expedition to Central America! This well-organized site explains how volcanoes work and offers images of volcanoes, the research exhibition, and the scientists. You can browse the volcano Q&A section or submit your own questions.

• This could be great for students to 'conduct research' about volcanos or what an expedition is and who needs to be involved for it to be successful. It includes journal entries from the scientists and great bite-sized information about many aspects of volcanoes and what it takes to learn more about them.
• This expedition was completed in Jan 2001 so its a little 'old.' The process is still relevant, but there have been not many updates since then.

Dive and Discover: Expeditions to the Seafloor
Grade Level: 4th-6th
Join ("virtually") an expedition in the eastern Pacific Ocean to look for new volcanic eruptions on the crest of the mid-ocean ridge. You can read the daily updates by the crew, watch a movie of a volcanic seafloor, and learn about topics from vent biology to the earth's anatomy in the "infomods."

• This site has many explorations that have taken place and lots of detailed data and information that helps kids learn in-depth about various aspects of Oceanography.
• The level of writing and information is quite advanced. I don't foresee many kids below 4th grade being able to utilize this site for research, etc. So it limits it audience a bit.

Grade Level: 4th-6th
This site provides up to date information on Environmental issues from around the world. Though it is dense with info, it is well organized and has some good visual elements to help the younger kids navigate. This would be a great site for kids to conduct research.

• It has a great world map to help see perspective and context for changes to our Earth such as earthquakes and cyclones.
• This site does have some small adds on it which, combined with all the text, makes for a very full home page.

Air Quality Index for Kids
Grade Level: 3rd-6th
Learn how air pollution is measured, about the Air Quality Index (AQI), and how the index can be a quick way to tell people how good or bad something is. The AQI uses colors, and numbers, and words to tell you about the air.

• This site is simple and organized. It provides the basics for kids to get an idea about air pollution and what they can do about it.
• This site is a bit too hard for younger kids to use it.

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